Low Back Dress
I have learned to live for years with intense headaches, sometimes migraines, acne on my face and back, frequent bloating. Leaving a house without painkillers would give me heart pulpitations. When a very close friend was getting married, as a bride’s maid we were made low-cut dresses revealing our backs. That was a total disaster for me to imagine wearing it on her wedding day. I was determined to find a solution and hit Google looking for answers to adult acne. I think my life has pretty much changed from that day. I always felt that it was not the cosmetics that I used that were causing it. Damn, I was so right. I found a lot of answers on www.mercola.com website. The main cause of my problems were wheat and diary products. I completely eliminated them and my life has changed drastically. I have not had a headache in weeks, my skin has improved drastically, I have more energy and I no longer suffer from after-lunch lethargy. My other parallel problem, hyperthyroidism has disappeared sooner than medical science was expecting it to.
As it turns out, there are millions of people out there suffering from an array of diseases and conditions that are caused by the food they eat. As Socrates said, Food is Your Medicine. The other side of the planet, the auyrvedic practitioners in India and Sri Lanka seem to think the same. Jamie Oliver came out on a talk show just the other day saying that today’s new generation will be the first one to live shorter lives than their parents. It is phenomenal how we have mastered the art of self-destruction in the western world.
I loved the movie “Supersize Me”. Many people dismissed it saying how stupid one (and the movie makers) can be to eat McD every day and expect positive results. I think they miss the point. Supersize Me is a wake-up call and a shake-up for millions of people, perhaps a little over-dramatised, but it is often the shock therapy that works and not politically-correct dietary articles in girls’ magazines. The movie’s message it clear. It is not OK to feed your children with burgers and soda every day, it’s not OK to munch on MSG-coated crisps, it’s not OK to have no fresh foods in school cafeteria. Ultimately, whether it’s McD or home-made fries, the results is the same: junk every day.
Remember that reality show about a group of people loosing weight in a period of time? I never forget how they were asked to go to a supermarket and pick up lentils. Most of them did not know what lentils were. A friend of mine lived in a US from age 10-14 and developed cellulite. He’s 28 now and lives with the stretch marks.
You always ask yourself what can you do to play a part? What can you do to help? I’ve been doing my part of sharing this with many of my friends, many of them have began to see the results of changing their diets. And this is not about a weight-loss diet, a feel-good 2-week diet. It’s about changing one’s eating habits and adopting it as a way of life. I found it very difficult at first to deal with no cereals in the morning, no bread, no beloved pastas, no cheese. After all, this is your typical European cuisine ingredients. Due to the problems I had, there was little choice and so I started searching for alternatives and substitutes. With great results. I hardly have any cravings today, I feel better than ever, lost a bit of weight (not planned, not necessary even). Two other friends of mine have rid themselves of asthma after eliminating most diary products from their diets. I told my doctor about it, he responded it must have been circumstantial. Well, the website I talked about, www.mercola.com can explain more, check it out.
You will understand my concern with these issues even more when you look at the health statistics of my generation in the current Eastern Europe. After all, this is the place I grew up age 10-15. Cancer cases are higher than ever, the health budgets are not enough to cover 50% of the population’s conditions. Much of it is blamed on the communist era’s management of waste and resources, the Russians contaminating us with nuclear wastes. I will never forget May 1986 when Charnobyl exploded. The man on the street found out about the disaster only 5 days after it happened. People were told it was OK to eat fresh vegetables and drink fresh milk. These two items carried the highest condensation of radiation. My family was a little more aware of the real danger as our neighbour worked as a chemist and she knew what the actual pollution readings were. How bad was it really? Put it this way : the officials who made statements on national tv announcing no real dangers and giving assurance that the Big Brother will take care of cleaning up the disaster effects swiftly and effectively are serving prison time today under today’s political regime. As for me, I’m suffering from so many food intolerances, I have thyroid problems. Maybe not too bad compared to other people my generation. People joke and tell me I’m a health freak. Maybe I am. Maybe they would have been freaks too if they left so conscious about wearing a low-back dress.
As it turns out, there are millions of people out there suffering from an array of diseases and conditions that are caused by the food they eat. As Socrates said, Food is Your Medicine. The other side of the planet, the auyrvedic practitioners in India and Sri Lanka seem to think the same. Jamie Oliver came out on a talk show just the other day saying that today’s new generation will be the first one to live shorter lives than their parents. It is phenomenal how we have mastered the art of self-destruction in the western world.
I loved the movie “Supersize Me”. Many people dismissed it saying how stupid one (and the movie makers) can be to eat McD every day and expect positive results. I think they miss the point. Supersize Me is a wake-up call and a shake-up for millions of people, perhaps a little over-dramatised, but it is often the shock therapy that works and not politically-correct dietary articles in girls’ magazines. The movie’s message it clear. It is not OK to feed your children with burgers and soda every day, it’s not OK to munch on MSG-coated crisps, it’s not OK to have no fresh foods in school cafeteria. Ultimately, whether it’s McD or home-made fries, the results is the same: junk every day.
Remember that reality show about a group of people loosing weight in a period of time? I never forget how they were asked to go to a supermarket and pick up lentils. Most of them did not know what lentils were. A friend of mine lived in a US from age 10-14 and developed cellulite. He’s 28 now and lives with the stretch marks.
You always ask yourself what can you do to play a part? What can you do to help? I’ve been doing my part of sharing this with many of my friends, many of them have began to see the results of changing their diets. And this is not about a weight-loss diet, a feel-good 2-week diet. It’s about changing one’s eating habits and adopting it as a way of life. I found it very difficult at first to deal with no cereals in the morning, no bread, no beloved pastas, no cheese. After all, this is your typical European cuisine ingredients. Due to the problems I had, there was little choice and so I started searching for alternatives and substitutes. With great results. I hardly have any cravings today, I feel better than ever, lost a bit of weight (not planned, not necessary even). Two other friends of mine have rid themselves of asthma after eliminating most diary products from their diets. I told my doctor about it, he responded it must have been circumstantial. Well, the website I talked about, www.mercola.com can explain more, check it out.
You will understand my concern with these issues even more when you look at the health statistics of my generation in the current Eastern Europe. After all, this is the place I grew up age 10-15. Cancer cases are higher than ever, the health budgets are not enough to cover 50% of the population’s conditions. Much of it is blamed on the communist era’s management of waste and resources, the Russians contaminating us with nuclear wastes. I will never forget May 1986 when Charnobyl exploded. The man on the street found out about the disaster only 5 days after it happened. People were told it was OK to eat fresh vegetables and drink fresh milk. These two items carried the highest condensation of radiation. My family was a little more aware of the real danger as our neighbour worked as a chemist and she knew what the actual pollution readings were. How bad was it really? Put it this way : the officials who made statements on national tv announcing no real dangers and giving assurance that the Big Brother will take care of cleaning up the disaster effects swiftly and effectively are serving prison time today under today’s political regime. As for me, I’m suffering from so many food intolerances, I have thyroid problems. Maybe not too bad compared to other people my generation. People joke and tell me I’m a health freak. Maybe I am. Maybe they would have been freaks too if they left so conscious about wearing a low-back dress.
At 7:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello stranger, long time no hear. I look forward to reading a blog about your mad Australian mates.
At 10:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello dear Magda, your blog is fabulous and yes....you are a health freak but it is so fantastic to share it with us. Your revelations are a wake up call for me and all of us fighting against some sort of unjustified disease. You v got great advices but now the major problem for all of us is how to apply these advices in daily life. Today's hectic lifestyle and easy snacks doesnt allow me to choose my food properly. I love lentils but unfortunately cooking conditions and ingredients matters as much as the raw food itself, the fruits & vege I m bying today are full of chemicals, where to draw the line ? And besides that, I do think you are the product of what you were fed as a child, and I had the most terrible food on earth, both parents working, low income, can food, no fresh fruits or fish ever and to top it all, whenever i was sick, the family doctor was feeding me with these gorgeous silent killers called antibiotics. How can we turn back the clock ? I think a network of healthy advices should be created (and congratulation, as you set the example) but will that be good enough, it should be followed by constructive ways to apply it, chemical free fruits & vege, where to find it ? how to cook it ? Anyway, thank you again for your great advices. Love & Light, Manuell
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Evan here... Just thought I'd drop by..
Funny how i never really know what'll happen if i were to be on a McD diet for 30 days with my extremely high metabolism. I have been on a 12 day McD/Burger Kings diet once when i was outstation on work where I just wouldn't dare touch the pipe water and local food (think Acheh now) but I'm still scrawny as ever...
Ok ok ok, forget the MSG part.. hehehehee... and the fries after 15 weeks!! But they're just sinfully tasty!!! What more can i do but wolf 'em down like it's the end of tomorrow?!
...i think i need councelling. rofl!
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