
September 14, 2005

India, Day 9

I will miss my yoga friends. Today morning is my last class, 7th day of intensive yoga training. I'm feeling tired, my joints, ligaments and muscles need a rest. I will miss Rishikesh. I made it a point to get up in time to join the 5am meditation session. This is the first time I feel so much at peace. I still cannot meditate, but I think I'm getting there. Last night I read the links Raphael sent me, that helps. Before I leave, my Polish friend and I catch best lunch ever, at 11am. I sit next to an American woman. She asks me if there is no section for the Westerners. I don't know if she's serious or joking. There is a sign “Silence Please” at the dinng hall, but she decides to do an ‘american’ and yak away. She's just escaped from Parmarth Neketan ashram, where they asked her to pay Rp 1000-600 a day (USD 25-15). Lower rates apply to Indian nationals. “So unfair and discriminating” she says. I'm not sure if the concept of “fairness” realy applies in India, or wheter my definition of it has changed. She doesn't realise what she says makes her sound really ignorant, maybe even stupid. Just look outside, at the ashram’s charitable hospital where people sit and lie in cues to see a doctor, to get an extension on their frail lives. She's travelled India for 11 months. Never worked, didn't have to. Is that fair?

I ask myself why I like the Shivanandam Ashram. The expectations are mild and reasonable. There is great level of tolerance and no pretences. I never get the feeling of being part of any cult, sect, any persona-adoration, there are no inflated-egos. Their motto "Bo Good, Do Good" is omnipresent. Their activities bring dignity to the lives of those who have little left of it.

I make a decent donation to the secretariat. My receipt gets written out in the most elaborate fashion. I see the Secretary General on my way out. He gives me his cheeky-monk smile and says “Namaste! Visit us at the Divine Life Society in Malaysia. And read my newsletters, will you.”. It’s not a question, it’s his divine order.


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